Øjne share their tips for Fluff 2019


The torchbearers of Italian screamo sound  Øjne will play at Fluff this year once again. Since we know that they are hardcore nerds (check out this article on Czech scene by their drummer Jacopo) we asked them for their 5 tips for bands to see at Fluff 2019.  

(Note: Øjne are scheduled for Thursday, 25th July @Underdogs' Ballroom, Prague / Sunday, 28th July in Rokycany)


ASTRID LINDGREN: Over the past 10 years, digging into the line-up of Fluff Fest months before the festival has been one of my favorite and most satisfying ways to find out about new bands. One of this year's biggest surprises is Astrid Lindgren, a band from Poznań that sounds like a mix of great '90s emo and hardcore and stuff like Death Is Not Glamorous, but sung in Polish. One of my favorite genres to hear at Fluff Fest usually. 

(Note: Astrid Lindgren will play on Thursday, 25th July @Underdogs' Prague / on Saturday, 27th July in Rokycany)

DESZCZ: Another really cool Polish bands we're looking forward to see is Deszcz (our half-Polish bassist says it means “rain”). Great neo-crust that reminds me of Gattaca with a lot of epic riffs and intense crescendos. Their album III was one of my favorite records of last year and I can only imagine how powerful these songs will sound live.

 (Note: Deszcz will play on Thursday, 25th July @Underdogs' Prague / on Friday, 26th July in Rokycany)

LEECHFEAST: None of us actually listen to sludge or doom, but damn, Leechfeast are good. Long, excruciating songs (their latest EP has only two tracks but lasts 26 minutes) that are hypnotic, powerful and soothing at the same time and have some sort of evil mysterious vibe withing them. We are ready to headbang.

(Note: Leechfeast will play on Friday, 26th July in Rokycany)

CREVASSE: I knew Crevasse as a hardcore punk band but the split they did with V0NT this year blew me away more than anything they did before. It's just one song, it lasts almost 12 minutes and it's full of morbid noise elements, alienating and repetitive patterns and cruel-sounding vocals. Incredible sound, can't wait to hear the song live (hopefully!).

(Note: Crevasse will play on Friday, 26th July in Rokycany at Psych Tent)

STATE FAULTS: Obvious choice, but State Faults rule, definitely one of the best screamo bands of this decade. I remember in 2011 their name was Brother Bear and they had this song called “Dreamcatcher” that I really loved, and now on their new record there's a song called “Dreamcatcher Pt. II” with the same riff, and that's enough for me to keep loving them for a long time. Also, the whole record is actually very interesting and unexpected in many ways. It's gonna be great to finally see them in Europe for the first time.

 (Note: State Faults will play in Friday, 26th July in Rokycany)

These are just five, but we will stay for the whole weekend so we will definitely try to see as many bands as possible, including our friends in The Seeker, YÖU and Niboowin, of course Ceremony and Sport, Thou, Rotten Mind (I wanted to write about them here but Chaviré did first!), FAIM, Qlowski (post-punk from Italy), Shirokuma, 70cm3 Of Your Chest, Chaviré, Heavy Heart, Listener in Prague on Thursday and many more!