Scowl announce new EP, share 'Opening Night' video

Scowl announce new EP, share 'Opening Night' video

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California hardcore rising star Scowl have just announced new EP Psychedelic Dance Routine that is due April 7 on Baltimore-based hardcore label Flatspot Records.

As a teaser, the band have shared a new video for the lead sinlge Opening Night

"Lyrically this song takes a pretty literal stab at my experience of feeling jolted from stage to van, and back again, every single night," vocalis Kat Moss said. "I also had experiences on tour where I was seeing faces in the crowd that belonged to people from my past, and it was pretty shocking." Kat added.

Speaking of tours, Scowl are currently embarking on a US one, together with Show Me The Body, Jesus Piece, Zulu and TRiPP JONES. And this summer, they're headed to Europe, so you'll get the chance to show them your "psychedelic dance routine" at Fluff.



Kalifornská hardcorová senzace Scowl pokračuje v krasojízdě. Kapela právě ohlásila nové EP Psychedelic Dance Routine, které má vyjít letos 7. dubna na baltimorském hc labelu Flatspot Records.

Jako ochutnávku Scowl vypustili i nové video k lead singlu Opening Night. Zpěvačka Kat Mos přiznává, že si v songu zpracovává své dojmy z života na turné.

A když mluvíme o turné, Scowl se právě vydávají na jedno po Americe, společně s hardcorovými souputníky Show Me The Body, Jesus Piece, Zulu a TRiPP JONES. A v létě jim můžete ukázat svou „psychedelic dance routine“ na Fluffu.


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