Denver, US
black * death * metal
Black Curse was formed in 2015. Years were spent deep within the fifth cave, painstakingly forming each curse and descending deeper into madness...
In 2018, six songs had been completed and released as a privately distributed rehearsal tape, each copy hand delivered to its recipient across europe and north america. This abomination served to spread the pestilence of black curse to initiates and to bind willing co-conspirators. Soon thereafter, a pact was sealed with sepulchral voice records…in 2019, under the first new moon, Black Curse went into the mountains of Colorado. Free of all mundane distractions, this session - guided by producer Arthur Rizk - would become the first official full length Endless Wound. Sharing tonality and resonance with demoncy, Beherit, Sadistik Exekution and Katharsis, the album rejects contemporary “scenes" and looks back, toward a time when the lines of black and death metal were blurred, in unholy unity. This curse, now manifest, turned inward and brought an onslaught of delays and adversity. It would be another 14 months before Endless Wound was released. In the meantime, Black Curse revealed its live form, performing in Denver, Colorado, Santa Fe, New Mexico, and notably Copenhagen, Denmark at Killtown Deathfest. In 2020, the release of Endless Wound coincided with a worldwide shutdown. Harnessing these apocalyptic energies, the members of Black Curse saw an opportunity to begin working with the chaotic currents of the universe now so fully at the forefront of existence…
They are prepared to record the second full length, Burnning In Celestial Poison. In the summer of 2023, Black Curse will raise their torches, invoking chaos and evil for their first European tour; making their appearance at Fluff among other stops.
Black Curse se dali dohromady 2015. V roce 2018 vydali výhradně osobně distribuovanou kazetu. V roce 2019 podepsali smlouvu s labelem Sepulchral Voice a vydali se do hor v Coloradu nahrát pod taktovkou producenta Arthura Rizka session, která dala základ jejich debutovému LP Endless Wound. Album, které hudebně souzní s kapelami jako Beherit, Sadistik Exekution nebo Katharsis, odmítá současnou scénu a hledí do minulosti, kdy linie mezi black a death metalem byla značně rozmazaná. V současnosti chystají svou druhou desku Burning In Celestial Poison. V létě se vydají šířit chaos po starém kontinentu v rámci jejich prvního evropského turné, během kterého zahrají i na Fluffu.