Trading Hands

Trading Hands
Day: 27. 07. 2023


fastcore * grindcore * powerviolence

curated by All-Go-No-Slow 



Sledgehammer powerviolence four-piece Trading Hands hail from different parts of the UK (Stevenage, Leeds, Reading, and Gravesand). The troupe shares members with bands such as Negative Thought Process, Chinned, Human Leather, and The Air. Impulsive powerviolence riffs and drumming are paired with throat rasping vocals, close to extreme metal in its intensity. Last year they released their debut Clobberknocker suggests, that, no doubt, we will hear more from this band in future. Trading Hands will come to Fluff with their touring buddies – grindcore squad Suffering Quota.



Powerviolence čtveřice Trading Hands pochází z různých částí UK (Stevenage, Leeds, Reading a Gravesand) a sdílí členy s kapelami jako Negative Thought Process, Chinned, Human Leather, and The Air. Úderné bicí a riffy doprovází vokály, které by se neztratily ani v extrémním metalovém bandu. Loňský debut Clobberknocker dává tušit, že o této kapele ještě uslyšíme. Na Fluff Trading Hands přijedou v rámci společného turné s nizozemskou grindcorovou partou Suffering Quota.


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