
Day: 28. 07. 2023

Denver, US

political * hardcore * punk



The soundtrack to jumping your local nazi. FAIM is a political hardcore / punk band from Denver, Colorado. For Denver’s FAIM, hardcore is the spark that lights the way to bigger things in this life - personal catharsis, critique and political engagement. To that end, FAIM seeks to bring those ideas to the forefront of their music with lyrical content focusing on political apathy, abusers with the hardcore scene, class anxiety, and the ever-present daily injustice. Their brand of fast, aggressive hardcore is a vessel for hope and change set against the background of youthful angst.

Since starting in late 2016, FAIM has worked tirelessly to dig itself into the Denver hardcore scene and beyond - touring the west coast twice, the east coast, the midwest, Canada, and Europe. FAIM has shared the stage with bands such as Have Heart, Ceremony, Judge, Modern Life is War, Defeater, and Sick of it All.” FAIM released in March a new full length titled Your Life and Nothing Else on Safe Inside Records.



FAIM je politický hardcore punk z Denveru v Coloradu. Hudba jim pomáhá utvářet a vyjadřovat životní hodnoty a znamená pro ně politickou angažovanost i osobní katarzi. V textech se primárně zaobírají kritikou politické apatie nebo zneužívání hardcorové scény, třídní úzkostí a každodenní nespravedlností. Pusť si jejich nejnovější zabijácké LP Your Life and Nothing Else, které vyšlo před pár dny na Safe Inside Records.


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